Data Migration

It's common knowledge in the enterprise software landscape that IT managers will often put off much needed system migrations and upgrades out of fear of losing data and disrupting workflows. This is why our software engineers prioritize a pain-free migration experience when moving databases, app code and whole systems to their new home.

Enterprises today are required to scale their databases to meet the demand of explosive growth. Simple management tasks become complicated when you scale to thousands of databases, and that’s the challenge with explosive growth. As the business grows, developers spend countless hours writing complex logic to handle schema changes and other administrative operations.

CSPL Data Migration Stages shown below


Analyse current system and requirements - Understand if the planned target platform can deliver within the projected cost

Migration Plan

Develop a detailed plan for the platform move - identify risks and activities on the critical path

Build, Test, Cutover

Build of the proposed service - full test of the system including execution of the data migration plan - execution of the cutover plan to deliver the production service


Ongiong support of the new application including problem fix and enhancements.

Let's discuss about your data migration for increased flexibility and control.

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